Who we are
We are a young family company from the Czech Republic.
The company was founded in 2014.
We are user-friendly.
We are experienced.
We want the best for pole dancers.
We are
Tomáš & Veronika & Team

Why did we set up another company which create poles for poledance? Veronika, World Pole Dance Champion, opened her own studies several times. The purchased poles never met her expectations and complicated traffic, so she wanted to make her own poles. No one was able to make poles as she wanted.
Then she met Tomáš, who directed the production of decorations and the construction of theater and film backdrops. Tomáš is so experienced in working with all the materials that he has managed to devise an appropriate solution. That’s how Gympole was set up.
The philosophy of our company is built on the highest quality. The goal was to bring a product that will be high quality, durable and user-friendly. We focus on flexibility and compatibility. We invented the Oneclick system that saves time for lessons and training. We also came into the market with a system of removable poles so the studios could use all of their space.
For three years we have been fully developing a Stage, which would fully satisfy the needs of professional pole dancers and performers. Emphasis is placed on processing and the possibility to pack the stage into a compact and durable package.
“I always wanted more from pole dancing poles…then I met my husband and we started working together. It was not easy – making a good pole does not happen overnight, the time counts in years. But I am very happy with the poles we have made together and also in collaboration with many great pole dancers.”
“When I met Veronika she told me she needed poles that would disappear from the room in a second. My initial reaction was that she would probably need a magic wand. But then the first prototype of a removable pole came into the picture, but it was not exactly it. She did not like that fact that you still need to use a hex key to change from static to spin. And so we embarked on a journey together full of trail and error. Creating a really good pole is harder than you had imagine, but that never discouraged us, and only when we are 100% happy with the end product, that is when we launch it.”